Research articles

  1. G. Grignani, C.A. Scrucca and P. Sodano,
Quantum states of topologically massive electrodynamics and gravity,
J. Phys. A29 (1996) 3179-3198 [hep-th/9602126]
  2. R. Iengo and C.A. Scrucca,
Thermodynamics of vortex lines in layered superconductors,
Phys. Rev. B57 (1998) 6046-6055 [cond-mat/9710005].
  3. F. Hussain, R. Iengo, C. Nunez and C.A. Scrucca,
Interaction of moving D-branes on orbifolds,
Phys. Lett. B409 (1997) 101-108 [hep-th/9706186].
  4. F. Hussain, R. Iengo, C. Nunez and C.A. Scrucca,
Closed string radiation from moving D-branes,
Nucl. Phys. B517 (1998) 92-124 [hep-th/9710049].
  5. J.F. Morales, C.A. Scrucca and M. Serone,
A note on supersymmetric D-brane dynamics,
Phys. Lett. B417 (1998) 233-239 [hep-th/9709063].
  6. M. Bertolini, R. Iengo and C.A. Scrucca,
Electric and magnetic interaction of dyonic D-branes and odd spin structure,
Nucl. Phys. B522 (1998) 193-213 [hep-th/9801110].
  7. J.F. Morales, C.A. Scrucca and M. Serone,
Scale independent spin effects in D-brane dynamics,
Nucl. Phys. B534 (1998) 223-249 [hep-th/9801183].
  8. M. Bertolini, P. Fre, R. Iengo and C.A. Scrucca,
Black holes as D3-branes on Calabi-Yau threefolds,
Phys. Lett. B431 (1998) 22-30 [hep-th/9803096].
  9. J.F. Morales, C.A. Scrucca and M. Serone,
Anomalous couplings for D-branes and O-planes,
Nucl. Phys. B552 (1999) 291-315 [hep-th/9812071].
10. C.A. Scrucca and M. Serone,
Anomalies and inflow on D-branes and O-planes,
Nucl. Phys. B556 (1999) 197-221 [hep-th/9903145].
11. C.A. Scrucca and M. Serone,
Anomaly cancellation in K3 orientifolds,
Nucl. Phys. B564 (2000) 555-590 [hep-th/9907112].
12. R. Russo and C.A. Scrucca,
On the effective action of stable non-BPS branes,
Phys. Lett. B476 (2000) 141-148 [hep-th/9912090].
13. C.A. Scrucca and M. Serone,
Gauge and gravitational anomalies in D=4 N=1 orientifolds,
JHEP 9912 (1999) 024 [hep-th/9912108].
14. C.A. Scrucca and M. Serone,
Sigma-model symmetry in orientifold models,
JHEP 0007 (2000) 025 [hep-th/0006201].
15. C.A. Scrucca and M. Serone,
A note on the torsion dependence of D-brane RR couplings,
Phys. Lett. B504 (2001) 47-54 [hep-th/0010022].
16. C.A. Scrucca and M. Serone,
Target-space anomalies and elliptic indices in heterotic orbifolds,
JHEP 0102 (2001) 019 [hep-th/0012124].
17. A. Masiero, C.A. Scrucca, M. Serone and L. Silvestrini,
Non-local symmetry breaking in Kaluza-Klein theories,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 251601 [hep-ph/0107201].
18. C.A. Scrucca and M. Serone,
On string models with Scherk-Schwarz supersymmetry breaking,
JHEP 0110 (2001) 017 [hep-th/0107159].
19. C.A. Scrucca, M. Serone, L. Silvestrini and F. Zwirner,
Anomalies in orbifold field theories,
Phys. Lett. B525 (2002) 169-174 [hep-th/0110073].
20. R. Barbieri, R. Contino, P. Creminelli, R. Rattazzi and C.A. Scrucca,
Anomalies, Fayet-Iliopoulos terms and the consistency of orbifold field theories,
Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 024025 [hep-th/0203039].
21. C.A. Scrucca, M. Serone and M. Trapletti,
Open string models with Scherk-Schwarz SUSY breaking and localized anomalies,
Nucl. Phys. B635 (2002) 33-56 [hep-th/0203190].
22. C.A. Scrucca, M. Serone and L. Silvestrini,
Electroweak symmetry breaking and fermion masses from extra dimensions,
Nucl. Phys. B669 (2003) 128-158 [hep-ph/0304220].
23. R. Rattazzi, C.A. Scrucca and A. Strumia,
Brane to brane gravity mediation of supersymmetry breaking,
Nucl. Phys. B674 (2003) 171-216 [hep-th/0305184].
24. C.A. Scrucca, M. Serone, L. Silvestrini and A. Wulzer,
Gauge-Higgs unification in orbifold models,
JHEP 0402 (2004) 049 [hep-th/0312267].
25. C.A. Scrucca and M. Serone,
Anomalies in field theories with extra dimensions,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A19 (2004) 2579-2642 [hep-th/0403163].
26. T. Gregoire, R. Rattazzi, C.A. Scrucca, A. Strumia and E. Trincherini,
Gravitational quantum corrections in warped supersymmetric brane worlds,
Nucl. Phys. B720 (2005) 3-46 [hep-th/0411216].
27. C.A. Scrucca,
Mediation of supersymmetry breaking in extra dimensions,
Mod. Phys. Lett. A20 (2005) 297-312 [hep-th/0412237].
28. G. Martinelli, M. Salvatori, C.A. Scrucca and L. Silvestrini,
Minimal gauge-Higgs unification with a flavour symmetry,
JHEP 0510 (2005) 037 [hep-ph/0503179].
29. T. Gregoire, R. Rattazzi and C.A. Scrucca,
D-type supersymmetry breaking and brane-to-brane gravity mediation,
Phys. Lett. B624 (2005) 260-269 [hep-ph/0505126].
30. M. Gomez-Reino and C.A. Scrucca,
Locally stable non-supersymmetric Minkowski vacua in supergravity,
JHEP 0605 (2006) 015 [hep-th/0602246].
31. M. Gomez-Reino and C.A. Scrucca,
Constraints for the existence of flat and stable non-supersymmetric vacua in supergravity,
JHEP 0609 (2006) 008 [hep-th/0606273].
32. M. Gomez-Reino and C.A. Scrucca,
Metastable supergravity vacua with F and D supersymmetry breaking,
JHEP 0708 (2007) 091 [arXiv:0706.2785].
33. C.A. Scrucca,
Soft masses in superstring models with anomalous U(1) symmetries,
JHEP 0712 (2007) 092 [arXiv:0710.5105].
34. L. Covi, M. Gomez-Reino, C. Gross, J. Louis, G.A. Palma and C.A. Scrucca,
De Sitter vacua in no-scale supergravities and Calabi-Yau string models,
JHEP 0806 (2008) 057 [arXiv:0804.1073].
35. L. Covi, M. Gomez-Reino, C. Gross, J. Louis, G.A. Palma and C.A. Scrucca,
Constraints on modular inflation in supergravity and string theory,
JHEP 0808 (2008) 055 [arXiv:0805.3290].
36. B. Gripaios, H.D. Kim, R. Rattazzi, M. Redi and C.A. Scrucca,
Gaugino mass in AdS space,
JHEP 0902 (2009) 043 [arXiv:0811.4504].
37. M. Gomez-Reino, J. Louis and C.A. Scrucca,
No metastable de Sitter vacua in N=2 supergravity with only hypermultiplets,
JHEP 0902 (2009) 003 [arXiv:0812.0884].
38. L. Covi, M. Gomez-Reino, C. Gross, G.A. Palma and C.A. Scrucca,
Constructing de Sitter vacua in no-scale string models without uplifting,
JHEP 0903 (2009) 146 [arXiv:0812.3864].
39. L. Brizi, M. Gomez-Reino and C.A. Scrucca,
Globally and locally supersymmetric effective theories for light fields,
Nucl. Phys. B820 (2009) 193-212 [arXiv:0904.0370].
40. C. Andrey and C.A. Scrucca,
Mildly sequestered supergravity models and their realization in string theory,
Nucl. Phys. B834 (2010) 363-389 [arXiv:1002.3764].
41. J.-C. Jacot and C.A. Scrucca,
Metastable supersymmetry breaking in N=2 non-linear sigma-models,
Nucl. Phys. B840 (2010) 67-113 [arXiv:1005.2523].
42. L. Brizi and C.A. Scrucca,
Effects of heavy modes on vacuum stability in supersymmetric theories,
JHEP 1011 (2010) 134 [arXiv:1009.0668].
43. C. Andrey and C.A. Scrucca,
Sequestering by global symmetries in Calabi-Yau string models,
Nucl. Phys. B851 (2011) 245-288 [arXiv:1104.4061].
44. L. Brizi and C.A. Scrucca,
The lightest scalar in theories with broken supersymmetry,
JHEP 1111 (2011) 013 [arXiv:1107.1596].
45. D. Farquet and C.A. Scrucca,
Scalar geometry and masses in Calabi-Yau string models,
JHEP 1209 (2012) 025 [arXiv:1205.5728].
46. F. Catino, C.A. Scrucca and P. Smyth,
Metastable de Sitter vacua in N=2 to N=1 truncated supergravity,
JHEP 1210 (2012) 124 [arXiv:1209.0912].
47. B. Legeret, C.A. Scrucca and P. Smyth,
Metastable spontaneous breaking of N=2 supersymmetry,
Phys. Lett. B722 (2013) 372-377 [arXiv:1211.7364].
48. F. Catino, C.A. Scrucca and P. Smyth,
Simple metastable de Sitter vacua in N=2 gauged supergravity,
JHEP 1304 (2013) 056 [arXiv:1302.1754].
49. F. Catino, C.A. Scrucca and P. Smyth,
Scalar masses in general N=2 gauged supergravity theories,
JHEP 1401 (2014) 029 [arXiv:1309.1670].

Conferences proceedings

  1. F. Hussain, R. Iengo, C. Nunez and C.A. Scrucca,
Interaction and dynamics of D-branes,
"Trends in theoretical physics; CERN-Santiago-La Plata meeting", La Plata 1997,
AIP Conf. Proc. 419 (1998) 413-424 [no preprint].
  2. F. Hussain, R. Iengo, C. Nunez and C.A. Scrucca,
Aspects of D-brane dynamics on orbifolds,
"Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supersymmetry and unification", Neuchatel 1997,
Fortsch. Phys. 47 (1998) 293-299 [hep-th/9711020].
  3. F. Hussain, R. Iengo, C. Nunez and C.A. Scrucca,
Interaction of D-branes on orbifolds and massless particle emission,
"Beyond the standard model: from theory to experiment", Valencia 1997,
World Scientific (1998) 421-432 [hep-th/9711021].
  4. M. Bertolini, P. Fre, F. Hussain, R. Iengo, C. Nunez and C.A. Scrucca,
Black hole - D-brane correspondence: an example ,
"Quantum gravity in the southern cone", Bariloce 1998,
Int. J. Theor. Phys. 38 (1999) 1385-1397 [hep-th/9807209].
  5. M. Bertolini, P. Fre, R. Iengo and C.A. Scrucca,
D3-branes dynamics and black holes,
"Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supersymmetry and unification", Corfu 1998,
Lect. No. Phys. 525 (1999) 388-397 [hep-th/9810150].
  6. J.F. Morales, J.C. Plefka, C.A. Scrucca, M. Serone and A.K. Waldron,
Spin dependent D-brane interactions and scattering amplitudes in matrix theory,
"Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supersymmetry and unification", Corfu 1998,
Lect. No. Phys. 525 (1999) 456-465 [hep-th/9812039].
  7. C.A. Scrucca and M. Serone,
Anomaly inflow and RR anomalous couplings,
"Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supersymmetry and unification", Paris 1999,
PoS tmr99 (1999) 047 [hep-th/9911223].
  8. G. Martinelli, M. Salvatori, C.A. Scrucca and L. Silvestrini,
Flavour physics from extra dimensions,
"Electroweak interactions and unified theories", La Thuile 2004,
The Gioi publishers (2005) 97-102 [no preprint].
  9. G. Martinelli, M. Salvatori, C.A. Scrucca and L. Silvestrini,
Yukawa couplings and flavour symmetries in minimal Gauge-Higgs unification,
"Supersymmetry and unification of fundamental interactions", Tsukuba 2004,
KEK Proc. 2004-12 (2004) 793-796 [no preprint].
10. M. Gomez-Reino and C.A. Scrucca,
Constraints from F and D supersymmetry breaking in general supergravity theories,
"Constituents, fundamental forces and symmetries of the universe", Valencia 2007,
Fortsch. Phys. 56 (2008) 833-841 [arXiv:0804.3730].

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