Workshop on Brain-Machine Interface Systems 2017
News: BMI workshop program is now available here
Please click here to download an electronic version of the BMI booklet.
IEEE SMC 2017’s 7th Workshop on Brain-Machine Interface Systems will be held October 5-8, 2017 at the Banff Center, Banff, Canada as part of the program of SMC 2017 – the flagship annual conference of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum for researchers to present research results, facilitate the interaction and intellectual exchange between all researchers, developers and consumers of BMI technology. We invite contributions reporting the latest advances, innovations and applications in the field of BMI.
The workshop is organized by the IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Brain-Machine Interfaces Systems and is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Brain Initiative.
Participation is free to all registered SMC2017 attendees. The theme of this year’s workshop is:
“From Lab to Life: BMI Systems in the Coming Decade”
In the future, the range and sophistication of BMI Systems will achieve what seems impossible today: Intelligent neuromimetic prosthetics that function as a seamless extension of the brain; biocompatible nanotechnology that reside within the brain to read and write neural states without requiring a power supply; sensorimotor and cognitive BMI Systems that restore lost or compromised vision, hearing, memory, and mobility; and artificially intelligent cloud-based systems that seamlessly augment our cognitive capabilities. In the coming decade, we will see progress being made towards these goals.
Here you can find the list of accepted papers and program here.October 5, 2017 9h00-11h30: | BMI Tutorial: Designing brain-computer interfaces for users motor and cognitive disabilities |
October 5, 2017 13h30-17h30: | BMI Tutorial: Brain-machine interface systems - overview, applications and research challenges |
October 5-8, 2017: | BMI Workshop sessions |
October 6, 2017 8h00-9h30: | Panel: Merging minds and machines: Using BMI to meld human minds with AI; Science fiction or inevitable future? |
October 6, 2017 13h20-17h00: | IEEE Standards Meeting |
October 7, 2017 8h30-9h45: | Invited Talk: Christop Guger, CEO g.tec |
October 7, 2017 13h20-14h10: | Panel: Important topics in designing and building real world BMI systems: What is new? |
October 8, 2017 9h30-10h20: | Invited Talk: Paul Sajda, Chair IEEE Brain Initiative |
October 7-8, 2017 | Brain Hackathon |
Important Dates
October 7-8, 2017 | Hackathon |
October 5, 2017 | Tutorials |
October 5-8, 2017 | Conference dates |
The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum for researchers to present research results, facilitate the interaction and intellectual exchange between researchers, developers, and consumers of BMI technology. We invite contributions reporting the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of BMI. Also of interest will be the report and evaluation of complete systems considering aspects such as multidimensional performance metrics reflecting decoding accuracy, task performance, human factors, decoding algorithms, and feedback. These and other topics represent both challenges to the field and a tremendous opportunity for collaborative and multidisciplinary research, involving not only peers with expertise in the field of BMI, but also those with expertise in systems engineering, human-machine systems, cybernetics, and/or other disciplines. The four-day workshop will feature tutorials, panels, a brain hackathon, a number of prominent invited speakers from industry and academia, and presentations of contributed papers.
Program committee
- Michael H. Smith, Chair, U. California Berkeley, USA
- Ljiljana Trajkovic, Technical Program Chair, Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Ricardo Chavarriaga , Technical Program Co-Chair, EPFL, Switzerland
- Vinod A Prasad, Technical Program Co-Chair, NTU, Singapore
- Jose L. Contreras-Vidal, Special Sessions Chair, University of Houston, USA
- Jose M. Azorin, Special Sessions Chair, Miguel Hernández University of Elche, Spain
- Reinhold Scherer, Special Sessions Chair, Graz University of Technology, Austria
- Stuart Mason Dambrot, Publicity Chair and Secretary, BMI Consortium, USA
- Seong-Whan Lee, Publicity Co-Chair, Korea University, Korea
- Bernt Wahl, Founders Session Chair
- Tim Mullen, Brain Hackathon Chair, Qusp, USA
- Tiago H. Falk, Brain Hackathon Co-Chair, INRS-EMT, Canada
- Christoph Guger, Brain Hackathon Co-Chair, g.tec, Austria