Workshop on Brain-Machine Interface Systems 2016

BMI Workshop Industrial Keynotes

Moving Research Out of the Lab Into the Real World: How Science and Technology Become Commercialized
Monday, October 10, 4:15 PM-6:30 PM, Room: Ballroom III
Chair: Bernt Wahl. Co-Chair: Michael H. Smith
Click here for more information

Reese Jones
Founder: Farallon, Netopia, BMUG 
Jack McCauley
Co-founder: Oculus 
Joel Libove
Founder: Furaxa, Ultraview 
Stephen Pieraldi
Founder: Fail Pro, 2BClear 
Stuart M. Dambrot
Founder: Critical Thought|TV  
Bernt R. Wahl
Founder: Factle, Datahunt, Dynamic Software 

Invited speakers

SMC2016 keynote BMI invited speakers

Jose Carmena
VC, IEEE Brain initiative
University of California Berkeley, USA 
José del R. Millán
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland 
Paul Sajda
Chair, IEEE Brain initiative
Columbia University, USA 
José Principe
Computational NeuroEngineering Laboratory
University of Florida, USA 
Note: Speaker Andrew Laine (President, EMB Society; Columbia University, USA) has been replaced by Prof. José Principe.

IEEE Brain Initiative meeting

The IEEE Brain Initiative was launched with the mission to facilitate cross-disciplinary collaboration and coordination to advance research, standardization and development of technologies in neuroscience to help improve the human condition. Its annual meeting will be held at the BMI workshop on October 11th, 2016. All workshop assistants are welcome to participate. Click here for more information.

The initiative also sponsors the IEEE Brain Initiative Best Paper Award will be given to the best paper at this workshop, and 5 IEEE Brain Initiative student travel grants will be awarded.