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Course of Railway Technology

Direct Current Low Voltage

Country... Vehicles... Companies
Switzerland... BDeh 4/4 AOMC..... ABDhe 2/4 AL..... TPC
Switzerland ABDeh 4/4 ..... BDeh 4/8 ..... MC
Switzerland Be 4/6 ..... Be 6/8 ..... Be 6/10 .....
Trolleybus: 38 ..... 35 ..... 32 .....
TPG (Geneva )
Switzerland Bem 4/6 ..... TSOL (Lausanne)
France VA3-B2 ..... Cristalis ..... Metro C ..... TCL (Lyon)
France TVR ..... STAN (Nancy)
France VAL206 ..... VAL208 ..... Transpole (Lille)
France Z 800 ..... SNCF(Chamonix)
France TAS ..... CTS(Strasbourg)
Germany... B80D ..... RheinBahn (Düsseldorf)
Germany 6NGTWDE ..... RSAG (Rostock)
Germany B72 ..... SchwebeBahn (Wuppertal)
Switzerland ABe 4/4 I ..... RhB
Canada Skytrain ..... BCT (Vancouver)
Russia 81-720 ..... MM (Moscow)
Russia T3 ..... MT (Moscow)

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Laboratoire de Machines Electriques

Téléphones: Direct:+41 22 54 62 608 ........
Conception par J.-M Allenbach ............jean-marc.allenbach*AT*
Ouverture: 2004-11-08 . . Dernière mise à jour le: 2013-05-20

Plan du site • © 2006 EPFL , 1015 Lausanne, tel. 021 693 2696