: Enter Input by the Command Line
The first command to get input is INPUT
(obvious, isn't it?). INPUT
allows you to display
a message and then edit a string using the command line. It takes two arguments: on level 2, the message to be displayed
on the top of the screen. I may be empty, and may contain newline characters for multi-line messages.
On level 1, there are two options. You can enter a string with the initial text, which the user will then modify
(it may be blank) or a list in the form:
{ "string" { row column } mode(s) }
The arguments may be in any order, and you don't have to specify all the arguments above, just one if necessary.
is the initial text that will be displayed.
and column
specify where the cursor will appear (the default is in the end of the
string) and wheter it is on insert or overwrite mode (the default is insert). Row numbers start at 1 for the topmost
row, and column numbers start at 1 for the leftmost character. Row 0 means the bottom row, and column 0 means the
last character. Instead of specifying the row and column, you may substitute the list for a single real value, the
caracter position starting at the first character. To make the cursor start in overwrite mode, make the first number
are zero or more of the following:
- A greek alpha symbol (alpha left-shift a) will start the editor with the alphabetical keyboard on. This is
very useful if the user is supposed to enter a string.
will cause the editor to start with ALG mode on.
will check the syntax of the entire command line when ENTER is finally pressed, in the same way
that the command line editor normally does, disallowing an edit if there is a RPL syntax error.
returns what the user entered as a string. Normally, you would use OBJ->
to make
it the way you need, like a number.
When the user presses CANCEL the first time during INPUT
, the input line is cleared. If the user
presses CANCEL again, then the rest of the program is cancelled.
An example of use in a program:
<< "Enter A, B, C"
{ ":A:
:C:" { 1 0 } V }
(insert newlines between the three lines of the input string.)
When executed, the program will show:
When run, the program will return a string
you can then run OBJ->
an you'll get:
3: A: 1
2: B: 2
1: C: 3
: Presenting Options
Another command related to input is CHOOSE
. You may see a example of CHOOSE
by pressing
right-shift 7. Yes, it is that box with several options. They are very easy to create.
, you just need three arguments. On level 3, a string with the title. If it's an empty
string, the choose box will have no title. On level two, a
list containing the options. And on level 1, a number corresponding to the initial position where the hightlight should
If the user chose an item, then CHOOSE
will return the chosen item on level 2 and 1 (true) on level 1.
If he cancelled, only 0 (false) will be returned to level 1. The chosen item will be returned as it was entered on the
list. However, you can change this behavoir. You may substitute every item on the list of option by a list with two
objects: the first one will be shown, and the second will be returned if it that item was selected.
Let's see an example of CHOOSE
. The following program will display a choose box which lets you to select
your angle mode.
<< "ANGLE MODE" @ Title
{ { " Degrees" DEG }
{ " Radians" RAD }
{ " Gradians" GRAD } } @ Items
1 @ Initial position
: Forms
And now, we will see the command for getting input: INFORM
. You may see an example of
by pressing right-shift 7 ENTER. Yes, INFORM
creates that menus that you have seen
many times. And it is not so difficult as it seems.
takes five arguments: on level 5, the title, which will be displayed in the top of the screen.
On level 4, the specification of the fiels. On level 3, the format. On level 2, the values that will be used if one or
all of the fiels are reset. And on level 1 the initial values.
The field specifications is a list of the form { field1 field2 ... fieldn}
, where each field is one of
the following:
{ "label" "help" }
{ "label" "help" type1 type2 ... typen }
{ }
is a string which will serve as the title of the label. "help"
is the text that
will be displayed on the bottom line when the field is specified. The type specifications are zero or more real
numbers representing the types of objects allowed on the field. If unespecified, then all object types are valid.
You can find a list of object types on appendix H of the manual, under command TYPE
. If a field specification
is an empty list, then the immediate left field (if present) is expanded to occupy the unespecified field space.
Format may be one of the following objects:
{ }
{ columns }
{ columns width }
Where columns
is the number of columns that the display has. The default is one. width
the tab width between the left edge of each title and each field. This allows vertical alignment of the fields. The
default is three.
The reset and initial values are either empty lists or lists containing exactly one object foer each field. This
values will be used when one or all fields are reset, or when the display is shown. If you wanta field to be left
blank, specify NOVAL
as its value.
If the user filled the form, then a list with the values will be returned to level 2, and 1 (true) to level 1. If
he cancelled, then 0 (false) will be returned to level 1. A field that wasn't specified will be returned as
Let's see an example of INFORM
, because I'm sure you didn't understant a thing of the above. But you
will understand if you see an example. This program will display the following dialog box
and will then calculate the distance of the points if the user doesn't cancel the form.
{ { "x1:" "" 0 } @ Title, help and only real numbers
{ "y1:" "" 0 }
{ "x2:" "" 0 }
{ "y2:" "" 0 } }
{ } @ The default format is good for us
DUP DUP @ No reset or initial values
INFORM @ Calculate only if the user didn't cancel
OBJ-> DROP @ Split the values
@ Calculate
Now, let's change a little our program, so that it displays with two columns, like the following:
{ { } @ Blank line at top
{ "x1:" "" 0 }
{ "y1:" "" 0 }
{ "x2:" "" 0 }
{ "y2:" "" 0 } }
2 @ Two columns
{ } DUP @ No reset or initial values
. @ The rest is equal and
. @ I'm not typing it again
| How do you display checkboxes in INFORM ?
Using only INFORM , it is impossible. However, there is a library that allows you to create input
forms with checkboxes, choose boxes, etc.
Click here to download it.
Getting Keypresses
To get keys, we use a special form of the command WAIT
. Normally, this command takes the number of
seconds from the stack and delays program execution for that lenght of time. However, if you give 0 as input for it,
it will wait until a key is pressed, and will return the code of that key.
Key codes are in the form:
^^ ^
|| |
|| +--- Plane (see below)
|+----- Comlumn
+------ Row
and column
correspond to the physical location of the key, starting at the top left.
is a number from one to six representing the key's modifiers.
1 | Mo modifier |
2 | Left-shift |
3 | Right-shift |
4 | Alpha |
5 | Alpha and left-shift |
6 | Alpha and right-shift |
This way, MTH is key 21.1; RCL is 32.3; x2 is 44.2; and so on.
The following code will wait for a key, and exit if ENTER is pressed.
<< 0 WAIT
51.1 ==
. @ Rest of program
Another command related to keys is KEY
(no comments). It is used in loops, when you want a loop to
stop. The use is in the form:
<< DO
. @ Your code here
The loop will run until a key is pressed. The key pressed will be returned, but only the row and column, because the modifiers
keys will also stop the loop. Thus, if you press alpha, the loop will be stopped and it will return 61.
- Usign three
s, write a program to calculate the roots of quadratic equation, displaying the
results on the stack.
- Write a progrm that uses
to let the user enter a, b and c, calculates
the roots of the quadratic equation and uses INFORM
again to display them. The screens should be like
the following:
- Write a program that creates a screen like the following
and then solves the system

and returns x and y on the stack.
- Write a program that creates a screen like the following

and then calculates the inverse matrix. After the calculations are done, use a screen like the above the give the results.
Answers to exercises
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