Talks and seminars |
1. |
Talk at the TMR meeting
"Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supersymmetry and unification", Aspects of D-brane dynamics on orbifolds, Neuchatel, September 1997. |
2. |
Talk at the TMR meeting
"Beyond the standard model: from theory to experiment", Interaction of D-branes on orbifolds and massless particle emission, Valencia, October 1997. |
3. |
Seminar at the Ecole Polytechnique of Paris, Aspects of supersymmetric D-brane dynamcis, Paris, November 1997. |
4. |
Talk at the meeting
"Convegno informale di fisica theorica delle particelle", Invarianze di scala in dinamica delle D-brane, Cortona, May 1998. |
5. |
Talk at the workshop
"Conformal field theory of D-branes", Scale invariance and spin effects in D-brane dynamics, Hamburg, September 1998. |
6. |
Talk at the TMR meeting
"Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supersymmetry and unification", Anomaly inflow and RR anomalous couplings, Paris, September 1999. |
7. |
Seminar at the University of Neuchatel, Anomaly inflow and RR anomalous couplings, Neuchatel, September 1999. |
8. |
Talk at the workshop
"Duality, string theory and M-theory", Anomaly cancellation on D-branes and O-planes, Vienna, April 2000. |
9. |
Seminar at the ETHZ, Anomaly cancellation on D-branes and O-planes, Zurich, April 2000. |
10. |
Seminar at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Anomalies in string theory and their cancellation, Munich, June 2000. |
11. |
Seminar at the Spinoza Institute of Utrecht, Target-space symmetry and anomalies in heterotic and unoriented strings, Utrecht, March 2001. |
12. |
Seminar at CERN, Target-space symmetry and anomalies in heterotic and unoriented strings, Geneva, May 2001. |
13. |
Seminar at the University of Perugia, Anomalie in teorie di stringa con D-brane e O-piani, Perugia, October 2001. |
14. |
Seminar at the University of Neuchatel, Target-space symmetry and anomalies in heterotic and unoriented strings, Neuchatel, November 2001. |
15. |
Seminar at the University of Geneva, Field and string theory models with Scherk-Schwarz symmetry breaking, Geneva, February 2002. |
16. |
Seminar at the joint seminar "Rencontres de physique theorique"
of Paris Universities, Field and string theory models with Scherk-Schwarz symmetry breaking, Paris, February 2002. |
17. |
Talk at the Marie Curie workshop on
"Research and training in physics and technology" at CERN, Theoretical motivations for extra dimensions, Geneva, October 2002. |
18. |
Seminar at SISSA, Mediation of SUSY breaking across extra dimensions, Trieste, July 2003. |
19. |
Seminar at CERN, SUSY breaking in extra dimensions, Geneva, October 2003. |
20. |
Seminar at the University of Neuchatel, Mediation of supersymmetry breaking in extra dimensions, Neuchatel, October 2003. |
21. |
Seminar at DESY, Mediation of supersymmetry breaking in extra dimensions, Hamburg, January 2004. |
22. |
Seminar at the LAPTH, Mediation of supersymmetry breaking in extra dimensions, Annecy, February 2004. |
23. |
Seminar at the University La Sapienza of Rome, Mediation of supersymmetry breaking in extra dimensions, Rome, February 2004. |
24. |
Seminar at the University of Heidelberg, Brane-to-brane gravity mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Heidelberg, July 2005. |
25. |
Talk at the Geneva-Neuchatel-Zurich string seminar, Realistic gravity mediation of supersymmetry breaking, Neuchatel, November 2005. |
26. |
Seminar at the University of Warsaw, Stability of non-SUSY Minkowski vacua in supergravity, Warsaw, May 2006. |
27. |
Talk at the conference "Planck 2006", Stability of non-SUSY Minkowski vacua in supergravity, Paris, May 2006. |
28. |
Seminar at the University of Geneva, Constraints from SUSY breaking in supergravity theories, Geneva, June 2006. |
29. |
Colloquium at the EPFL, Theoretical perspectives on particle physics, Lausanne, July 2006. |
30. |
Seminar at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, Constraints from supersymmetry breaking in supergravity theories, Pisa, November 2006. |
31. |
Seminar at the LAPTH, Conditions for viable supersymmetry breaking in supergravity theories, Annecy, February 2007. |
32. |
Talk at the conference "Planck 2007", Metastable vacua with F and D supersymmetry breaking in supergravity, Warsaw, June 2007. |
33. |
Seminar at the University of Hamburg, Constraints for the existence of flat metastable non-SUSY vacua in supergravity, Hamburg, December 2007. |
34. |
Lecture at the graduate school
"VIeme seminaire transalpin de physique", Classical versus quantum symmetries and anomalies, Lyon, February 2008. |
35. |
Seminar at SISSA, Metastable de Sitter vacua in N=1 and N=2 supergravity, Trieste, May 2009. |
36. |
Talk at the conference "Planck 2009", Metastable de Sitter vacua in N=2 gauged supergravity, Padova, May 2009. |
37. |
Colloquium at the University Claude Bernard of Lyon, Supersymmetry in particle physics and constraints from its spontaneous breakdown, Lyon, April 2010. |
38. |
Colloquium at the University of Torino, Supersymmetry in particle physics and constraints from its spontaneous breakdown, Torino, May 2010. |
39. |
Talk at the conference "String phenomenology 2010", Constraints on metastable SUSY breaking in N=2 theories, Paris, July 2010. |
40. |
Talk at the conference "40th intern. symp. Ahrenshoop
on the theory of elementary particles", Constraints on metastable SUSY breaking in N=2 theories, Berlin, August 2010. |
41. |
Talk at the workshop "Non-thermal cosmological histories of the
universe", Bounds on moduli masses in Calabi-Yau string models, Ann Arbor, October 2010. |
42. |
Seminar at EPFL, Supersymetrie et interactions fondamentales, Lausanne, May 2011. |
43. |
Talk at the conference "Planck 2011", Sequestering by global symmetries in Calabi-Yau string models, Lisbon, May 2011. |
44. |
Talk at the conference "Scalars 2011", Soft scalar masses and sequestering in Calabi-Yau string models, Warwaw, August 2011. |
45. |
Lecture at the graduate school "Autumn school on particle physics and cosmology", Supersymmetry and supergravity, Hamburg, October 2011. |
46. |
Seminar at ICTP, Sequestering in brane-world supersymmetry breaking and its realization in string models, Trieste, October 2011. |
47. |
Seminar at the University of Padova, Sequestered supersymmetry breaking and its realization in string models, Padova, February 2012. |
48. |
Seminar at the workshop "XXIV workshop beyond the standard model", Supersymmetry breaking in the no-scale sector of Calabi-Yau string models, Bad Honnef, March 2012. |
49. |
Seminar at CEA, General constraints on metastable supersymmetry breaking, Paris, April 2012. |
50. |
Talk at the workshop "CERN string phenomenology institute", Scalar geometry and masses in Calabi-Yau string models, Geneva, July 2012. |
51. |
Talk at the conference "41th intern. symp. Ahrenshoop
on the theory of elementary particles", Scalar geometry and masses in Calabi-Yau string models, Berlin, August 2012. |
52. |
Seminar at the University of Utrecht, Metastable spontaneous breaking of N=1 and N=2 supersymmetry, Utrecht, April 2013. |