Talks and seminars

  1. Talk at the TMR meeting "Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supersymmetry and unification",
Aspects of D-brane dynamics on orbifolds,
Neuchatel, September 1997.
  2. Talk at the TMR meeting "Beyond the standard model: from theory to experiment",
Interaction of D-branes on orbifolds and massless particle emission,
Valencia, October 1997.
  3. Seminar at the Ecole Polytechnique of Paris,
Aspects of supersymmetric D-brane dynamcis,
Paris, November 1997.
  4. Talk at the meeting "Convegno informale di fisica theorica delle particelle",
Invarianze di scala in dinamica delle D-brane,
Cortona, May 1998.
  5. Talk at the workshop "Conformal field theory of D-branes",
Scale invariance and spin effects in D-brane dynamics,
Hamburg, September 1998.
  6. Talk at the TMR meeting "Quantum aspects of gauge theories, supersymmetry and unification",
Anomaly inflow and RR anomalous couplings,
Paris, September 1999.
  7. Seminar at the University of Neuchatel,
Anomaly inflow and RR anomalous couplings,
Neuchatel, September 1999.
  8. Talk at the workshop "Duality, string theory and M-theory",
Anomaly cancellation on D-branes and O-planes,
Vienna, April 2000.
  9. Seminar at the ETHZ,
Anomaly cancellation on D-branes and O-planes,
Zurich, April 2000.
10. Seminar at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich,
Anomalies in string theory and their cancellation,
Munich, June 2000.
11. Seminar at the Spinoza Institute of Utrecht,
Target-space symmetry and anomalies in heterotic and unoriented strings,
Utrecht, March 2001.
12. Seminar at CERN,
Target-space symmetry and anomalies in heterotic and unoriented strings,
Geneva, May 2001.
13. Seminar at the University of Perugia,
Anomalie in teorie di stringa con D-brane e O-piani,
Perugia, October 2001.
14. Seminar at the University of Neuchatel,
Target-space symmetry and anomalies in heterotic and unoriented strings,
Neuchatel, November 2001.
15. Seminar at the University of Geneva,
Field and string theory models with Scherk-Schwarz symmetry breaking,
Geneva, February 2002.
16. Seminar at the joint seminar "Rencontres de physique theorique" of Paris Universities,
Field and string theory models with Scherk-Schwarz symmetry breaking,
Paris, February 2002.
17. Talk at the Marie Curie workshop on "Research and training in physics and technology" at CERN,
Theoretical motivations for extra dimensions,
Geneva, October 2002.
18. Seminar at SISSA,
Mediation of SUSY breaking across extra dimensions,
Trieste, July 2003.
19. Seminar at CERN,
SUSY breaking in extra dimensions,
Geneva, October 2003.
20. Seminar at the University of Neuchatel,
Mediation of supersymmetry breaking in extra dimensions,
Neuchatel, October 2003.
21. Seminar at DESY,
Mediation of supersymmetry breaking in extra dimensions,
Hamburg, January 2004.
22. Seminar at the LAPTH,
Mediation of supersymmetry breaking in extra dimensions,
Annecy, February 2004.
23. Seminar at the University La Sapienza of Rome,
Mediation of supersymmetry breaking in extra dimensions,
Rome, February 2004.
24. Seminar at the University of Heidelberg,
Brane-to-brane gravity mediation of supersymmetry breaking,
Heidelberg, July 2005.
25. Talk at the Geneva-Neuchatel-Zurich string seminar,
Realistic gravity mediation of supersymmetry breaking,
Neuchatel, November 2005.
26. Seminar at the University of Warsaw,
Stability of non-SUSY Minkowski vacua in supergravity,
Warsaw, May 2006.
27. Talk at the conference "Planck 2006",
Stability of non-SUSY Minkowski vacua in supergravity,
Paris, May 2006.
28. Seminar at the University of Geneva,
Constraints from SUSY breaking in supergravity theories,
Geneva, June 2006.
29. Colloquium at the EPFL,
Theoretical perspectives on particle physics,
Lausanne, July 2006.
30. Seminar at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa,
Constraints from supersymmetry breaking in supergravity theories,
Pisa, November 2006.
31. Seminar at the LAPTH,
Conditions for viable supersymmetry breaking in supergravity theories,
Annecy, February 2007.
32. Talk at the conference "Planck 2007",
Metastable vacua with F and D supersymmetry breaking in supergravity,
Warsaw, June 2007.
33. Seminar at the University of Hamburg,
Constraints for the existence of flat metastable non-SUSY vacua in supergravity,
Hamburg, December 2007.
34. Lecture at the graduate school "VIeme seminaire transalpin de physique",
Classical versus quantum symmetries and anomalies,
Lyon, February 2008.
35. Seminar at SISSA,
Metastable de Sitter vacua in N=1 and N=2 supergravity,
Trieste, May 2009.
36. Talk at the conference "Planck 2009",
Metastable de Sitter vacua in N=2 gauged supergravity,
Padova, May 2009.
37. Colloquium at the University Claude Bernard of Lyon,
Supersymmetry in particle physics and constraints from its spontaneous breakdown,
Lyon, April 2010.
38. Colloquium at the University of Torino,
Supersymmetry in particle physics and constraints from its spontaneous breakdown,
Torino, May 2010.
39. Talk at the conference "String phenomenology 2010",
Constraints on metastable SUSY breaking in N=2 theories,
Paris, July 2010.
40. Talk at the conference "40th intern. symp. Ahrenshoop on the theory of elementary particles",
Constraints on metastable SUSY breaking in N=2 theories,
Berlin, August 2010.
41. Talk at the workshop "Non-thermal cosmological histories of the universe",
Bounds on moduli masses in Calabi-Yau string models,
Ann Arbor, October 2010.
42. Seminar at EPFL,
Supersymetrie et interactions fondamentales,
Lausanne, May 2011.
43. Talk at the conference "Planck 2011",
Sequestering by global symmetries in Calabi-Yau string models,
Lisbon, May 2011.
44. Talk at the conference "Scalars 2011",
Soft scalar masses and sequestering in Calabi-Yau string models,
Warwaw, August 2011.
45. Lecture at the graduate school "Autumn school on particle physics and cosmology",
Supersymmetry and supergravity,
Hamburg, October 2011.
46. Seminar at ICTP,
Sequestering in brane-world supersymmetry breaking and its realization in string models,
Trieste, October 2011.
47. Seminar at the University of Padova,
Sequestered supersymmetry breaking and its realization in string models,
Padova, February 2012.
48. Seminar at the workshop "XXIV workshop beyond the standard model",
Supersymmetry breaking in the no-scale sector of Calabi-Yau string models,
Bad Honnef, March 2012.
49. Seminar at CEA,
General constraints on metastable supersymmetry breaking,
Paris, April 2012.
50. Talk at the workshop "CERN string phenomenology institute",
Scalar geometry and masses in Calabi-Yau string models,
Geneva, July 2012.
51. Talk at the conference "41th intern. symp. Ahrenshoop on the theory of elementary particles",
Scalar geometry and masses in Calabi-Yau string models,
Berlin, August 2012.
52. Seminar at the University of Utrecht,
Metastable spontaneous breaking of N=1 and N=2 supersymmetry,
Utrecht, April 2013.

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